Types of Software Requirements

In my last two posts I covered What are software requirements and the Why and who of requirements.

Did you know there are many different types of software requirements? Okay, you probably did! In this post, I’ll walk you through the most common types of software requirements.

Ready to get rolling? [Read more…]

Software Requirements: Why and Who?

In my last post, I covered the definition of requirements – i.e. the What. We also briefly touched upon why requirements are important.

In this post, I’ll dive deeper into the Why and Who of requirements. That is:

  • Why are requirements important?
  • Who uses requirements?

Let’s get started, shall we? [Read more…]

What Exactly is a “Requirement” Anyhow?

Hi there! This is our first post in this blog. We’ll start with the basics – a definition of the term Requirements. We had previously defined it in our other blog, and we’ll recap it here.

Before we dive into our definition of this term, let’s take a look at how a couple of popular authors define it.

Karl Wiegers, in his popular book Software Requirements defines requirement as follows: [Read more…]