Requirements Management: When Should You Write User Interface (UI) Specs?

rooster-early2In my last blog post, I discussed why the User Interface (UI) specifications should be an integral part of requirements.

If you agree (fully or partially) with my take on this, the next question to consider is as follows: At what stage of the requirements management process should we write the UI specifications?

My answer for this is surprisingly simple, yet difficult to implement in most projects. But that is not bad news.

What is the answer, and why is it not bad news? Read on… [Read more…]

Requirements Management: Should User Interface (UI) Be Part of Requirements?

old-comp-with-terminalSince the advent of the software industry, User Interface (UI) has been an afterthought – for the most part. UI is something the teams building the software slapped on the software at the end of a project.

Kinda like a coat of paint after the house was built! 🙂

The conventional wisdom (especially in B2B software) was that customers did not buy the software for the UI, they bought it for the functionality.

From this piece of conventional wisdom, another one followed: UI should *NOT* be a part of requirements. Rather, UI is something added after the requirements (use cases or functional requirements) were defined.

Is this still true? Read on for the answer… [Read more…]